Felix Schur

PhD student in Statistics at ETH Zurich, Seminar for Statistics.


I am a PhD student in Statistics at ETH Zurich supervised by Jonas Peters and co-supervised by Andreas Krause. My research interests lie in the intersection of Machine Learning and Statistics. I am particularly focused on Causality and Reinforcement Learning.

I completed my MSc at ETH Zurich, under the supervision of Andreas Krause and Peter Bühlmann. I wrote my master’s thesis on the topic of Lifelong Meta-Learning for Bayesian Optimization, which earned me the ETH Medal in recognition of my research.

I am also CTO at Askantis GmbH.

Contact: felix.schur [at] stat.math.ethz.ch


Mar 20, 2024 Teaching a Short Course on Causal Inference at HU Berlin together with Jonas Peters.
Mar 4, 2024 Presenting a poster on confounding in time series at the Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS) in Okinawa, Japan.
Oct 31, 2023 Reviewing for AISTAT.
May 8, 2023 LiBO presented at UAI 2023.

selected publications


  1. arXiv
    DecoR: Deconfounding Time Series with Robust Regression
    Felix Schur, and Jonas Peters


  1. UAI
    Lifelong Bandit Optimization: No Prior and No Regret
    Felix Schur, Parnian Kassraie, Jonas Rothfuss, and 1 more author
    39th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), Aug 2023